Rabu, 20 Desember 2017

contoh surat undangan acara pentas seni

Contoh surat undangan resmi kali ini akan memberikan penjelasan mengani bagaimana sih cara penulisan surat undangan yang benar dan baik secara resmi dimana bisa kalian tujukan kepada sebuah instansi dan yang lainya lengkap mulai dari surat undangan resmi osis, RT.RW dan sampai dengan tingkat dinas. 
Ada beberapa macam surat udangan yang resmi mulai dari : contoh surat undangan acara pentas seni contoh surat undangan menghadiri acara contoh surat undangan syukuran contoh surat undangan resmi organisasi contoh undangan resmi bahasa inggris, contoh surat undangan rapat, contoh surat undangan rapat osis, contoh surat undangan pengajian
No                    : 05.Panpel- Pementasan Drama.STKIP-NH.IV.2014Lampiran          :-
Perihal              : Undangan

Yth. Kaprodi Pend Bahasa Inggris

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
Salam silaturrahim kami sampaikan semoga kita senantiasa dalam rahmat, hidayah, dan inayah Allah SWT, serta segala aktifitas kita selalu mendapat ridho-Nya.

Sehubungan akan memperingati Hari Pendidikan Nasional 2014, kami Prodi Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia akan melakukan pementasan drama, kami mengharapkan kehadiran Bapak/Ibu dapat hadir pada:
Hari/Tgl          : Senin,12 Mei 2014
Pukul               : 13.30 wib s.d. Selesai
Tempat           : Aula Kampus B

Demikian surat undangan ini kami sampaikan atas partisipasinya kami ucapkan terimakasih.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
Mengetahui,                                                                Sukaraja, Mei 2016
Kaprodi, Pend Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia              Ketua Panitia
Hj. NIAR, M.Pd.                                                       ARDI WINARKO
Ok sahabat silahkan di baca ya contoh surat undangan resmi yang sudah kami sajikan

Selasa, 19 Desember 2017

Don't Worry About Fashion Any Longer, We Have The Tips You Seek

Are you one of those people who have no idea what to wear? Do you find it difficult to plan your clothing choices for the following week or even day? Do you have a tough time mixing and matching colors? If so, then you will benefit greatly from the advice in the following fashion article.

Always remember to bring the shoes you plan on wearing to a special event along when you shop for the perfect dress. This allows you to see how the shoes look with the dresses you are considering. It will also give you an idea of any alterations that may need to be made.

If you wear stockings, keep a small bottle of clear nail polish with you. If you get a snag or run, a small drop of the polish will help stop it before it gets bad. Remember that it only takes a small amount to work so, do not overdo it, Maybe you can see about model kebaya wisuda before read more this article bellow or you will have a sticky mess.

Don't be afraid to top off your look with an awesome hat. In days gone by, it was commonplace for women and men to wear hats on a daily basis. What was once the height of fashion has, unfortunately, fallen to the wayside in modern times. Be adventurous, and finish off your look with an ultra-cool fedora or a pretty sun hat.

You are going to want to talk to your friends and coworkers about how you dress. They can help you figure out what you are doing that works, and what you might want to change about how you dress. Since they see you every day, they can be the ones you go to for advice.

If you are used to dressing down but you would like to spruce up your style, try buying some sparkly accessories. These will make your outfit look brighter and you will not have to change your entire style. You can make a plain outfit fit for any occasion by changing the style of accessories.

The color of your skin should determine what color clothing you should wear. If you are very pale, avoid colors that will make you appear paler, like beiges, yellows and whites. On the other hand, if you have darker skin, lighter colors, like light blues, pinks and yellows will compliment your skin.

If you are going out of town, focus your wardrobe on neutral colors that can mixed and matched at will. You'll have many options available to you, while never being at risk of clashing. Accessories, such as belts and scarves, can make you look nicer without taking up a lot of space in your luggage.

Always dress respectfully for the occasion. Don't wear a tube top if you're going to a wedding, and don't shorts to the prom. Learn to respect fashion traditions, even if you're tempted to defy them for no good reason. Is it really going to hurt to to put on that tie Mom wants you to wear to church? Showing respect in how you dress will gain you respect in return.

Now that you've seen the advice from this article, you should have an easier time with your fashion selections. Fashion is something that allows you be as creative as you want in your outfit choices. You don't have to be clueless any longer when it comes to fashion if you remember this article.